Paying Taxes On A House Requires Hours Of Gameplay
2:28:00 AM

Paying Taxes On A House Requires Hours Of Gameplay
According to a comment in a certain gaming website and I quote, "just paying taxes on a house would require hours of gameplay" end quote.Unfortunately, that particular statement is not entirely true. It will not take you hours of gameplay to pay taxes on a house or lot.
In fact, if you only own a row house or row lot then the game will pay it for you by simply visiting the Oracle and doing the daily Virtue Test.
If you answer the Virtues Test correctly then the Oracle will reward you with 500 game gold and you can use that 500 game gold to pay the daily tax for your row house or row lot.
Also, doing the Virtue Test will only take you a couple of minutes.
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Now, if you have hundreds of houses or lots then that is a different story because it will cost you thousands of game gold in taxes and that will definitely require hours and hours of gameplay.
Again, if you only own a row house or row lot then it will only take you a couple of minutes to pay your daily tax by visiting the Oracle and doing the Virtue Test.
Honestly, unless you are a very active merchant or seller, you don't really need more than 1 house specially if you are a casual player.
So guys, how many houses or lots do you own in Shroud of the Avatar and how much taxes do you pay everyday to keep them? Post your answers, comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below and, as always, if you are lagging badly in Shroud of the Avatar or any online games then I suggest you try using WTFast.
Shroud Of The Avatar Release Date
4:22:00 PM

Shroud Of The Avatar Release Date
People who don't like Shroud of the Avatar said the game will never leave Alpha or Early Access. Guess what? They're wrong because Shroud of the Avatar already has a Release Date.2014 was the year I bought Shroud of the Avatar and since then I have played the game consistently. In 2016, I started playing Shroud of the Avatar for more than 8 hours everyday when it went persistent.
Seriously, that is how much I enjoy playing this game. The only two things I really, really don't like about the game are the long loading screens and the high memory or RAM usage.
If Portalarium can fix those two then everything else are minor issues for me. Yes, even Chris Spears promise of increasing the drop rate of Gold COTOS is minor compared to long loading screens and high memory usage.
Anyway, I have digressed from the topic and that is Shroud of the Avatar's Release Date which is scheduled on March 27, 2018.
Now, you don't need to wait for Shroud of the Avatar's Release Date to start playing the game because you can play the game right now. In fact, you can even play the game for FREE.
All you have to do it go to Shroud of the Avatar's website, create a free account, download and install the game and start playing for free.
There are limits to what you can do as a free player but you can always upgrade your free account by buying the full game to remove all those limits and fully enjoy the game.
So guys, are you looking forward to Shroud of the Avatar's Release Date? Have you tried Shroud of the Avatar's Free Trial offer?
Post your answers, comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below and if you are lagging in Shroud of the Avatar or any online games then why not reduce your game lag by trying out WTFast.
Darkstarr Themed Shroud Of The Avatar Release 51 Postmortem Telethon
5:39:00 AM

Darkstarr Themed Shroud Of The Avatar Release 51 Postmortem Telethon
Darkstarr themed items are the rewards in Shroud of the Avatar's Release 51 Postmortem Telethon.On March 3 2018, at around 5 AM my time, Lord British and his court will have another Postmortem Telethon and this one is for the current Release 51 of Shroud of the Avatar.
What excites me for this particular Postmortem Telethon is the theme of the rewards they will giveaway as Funding Goals are reach and the theme of the rewards for this Postmortem Telethon is Darkstarr.
Yes, Shroud of the Avatar will giveaway Darkstarr themed rewards everytime a Funding Goal is reached and these rewards are the following:
Reaching the Funding Goal of 10,000 US dollars will reward everyone who will spend $5 new US dollars in the Add-on Store during the Telethon the /mosh emote which is the ultimate chaotic dance.
25,000 US dollars will reward everyone who will spend $5 new US dollars in the Add-on Store during the Telethon the Darkstarr Morningstarr which I'm not very excited to get because I'm more of a Blade/Polearm/Ax person.
For the Funding Goal of 35,000 US dollars, everyone who will spend $5 new US dollars in the Add-on Store during the Telethon will receive a set of Darkstarr Pavers. These are Pavers with Darkstarr symbol on them.
50,0000 US dollars will reward everyone who will spend $5 new US dollars in the Add-on Store during the Telethon a Darkstarr Throne.
Hitting 65,000 US dollars will reward everyone who will spend $5 new US dollars in the Add-on Store during the Telethon the Darkstarr Clocktower.
Finally, reaching 80,000 US dollars will reward everyone who will spend $5 new US dollars in the Add-on Store during the Telethon a set of Darkstarr Black Chain Armor which is a special chain version of the custom armor in the Darkstarr Concept painting.
As you can see, the rewards for Shroud of the Avatar's Release 51 Postmortem Telethon are super AWESOME and I would really, really like it if the community can reach that 80,000 US dollar Funding Goal.
So, if you are playing Shroud of the Avatar and you would like to recieve any of the mentioned Funding Goal Rewards or Telethon Rewards then all you have to do is watch the Postmortem Telethon Live and spend at least 5 US dollars of new money not store credit in the Add-on Store.
Of course, the rewards will only become available or created if and only if any of the Funding Goals are reached. So, make sure you have your spending money and get ready for tomorrow's Postmortem Telethon.
Avatars, are you excited for tomorrow's Postmortem Telethon? Is the 80,000 US dollars Funding Goal reachable? Post your answers, comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
• Reduce Game Lag in Shroud of the Avatar