Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Finding Solania, Random Encounter & Solania Found
4:06:00 AM
Finding Solania
I had some minor difficulties finding Solania on the Overland Map and it's mainly because I was not familiar with the layout of the land. I'm sure after spending a few more hours just exploring and wandering on the Overland Map will make it more familiar to me.
Random Encounter
I experienced a Random Encounter while searching for Solania on the Overland Map. The Random Encounter pulled me into a scene where a bunch of wolves were waiting for me.
I fought a couple of wolves, skinned and took their hides after killing them and went out of the scene. It was a very quick Random Encounter. In fact, waiting for the loading screen to finish loading took longer. LOL.
Solania Found
After getting lost on the Overland Map, I had to back track and went back to where I started. From there, I followed a different path and, this time, I was able to finally find Solania.
Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Going To Solania, Soltown Exit, Overland Map & More
3:39:00 AM
Going To Solania
The reason why I was going to Solania was to deliver mail and to do other things. Unfortunately, I don't remember what those other things are. LOL. I should have posted about it after I recorded and uploaded the gameplay video about this topic.
Anyway, going to Solania means getting out of Soltown and travelling across the Overland Map.
Soltown Exit
I did not stay long in Soltown. After talking to a few non-player characters, I immediately followed the path towards the exit. I did not know where the exit was but getting out of Soltown was also not very difficult.
Overland Map
Exiting Soltown means entering the Overland Map. For some reason, I feel that the Overland Map is getting better and better at each release.
Some players don't like the Overland Map and prefers a point and click map travel system but not me. I kinda like the Overland Map. Getting lost while exploring the Overland Map is just one of the things that make Shroud Of The Avatar fun to play.
Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Not Optimized, Single Player, Soltown, Mail & More
4:14:00 PM
Not Optimized
The graphics of Shroud Of The Avatar is far from optimized. If you are not careful then you can accidentally cook your graphics card.
Single Player Online
Shroud Of The Avatar is not just a multiplayer online game. It's also a single player online game and, that means, you can play the game solo even though you are still online or connected to the server.
Soltown is currently the starting town of Shroud Of The Avatar. Remember, the game is still in Pre-Alpha and, that means, the starting town can still change before the game is released.
One of the quest that I got from Soltown was delivering mail to Solania. As with most NPCs or non-player characters, they are too freaking lazy to deliver their mail themselves.
Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Another Beginning, Solace Bridge, Edvard & More
5:22:00 AM
Another Beginning
One of the drawbacks in playing a Pre-Alpha game like Shroud Of The Avatar is the unexpected wipe. Even if the developer announces it, it still doesn't change the fact that players will have to re-start or start from the beginning of the game again.
Starting all over again can be frustrating specially for those players who spent hours and days building up their characters and wealth in the game. Fortunately, I don't spend a lot of time playing Shroud Of The Avatar and that is why I'm not really affected by any kind of unexpected wipe or wipes.
Solace Bridge
Solace Bridge or Battle Of Solace Bridge to be exact is the starting scene of Shroud Of The Avatar and escaping the scene alive is a player's very first quest.
Of course, this first quest is also like an introductory quest to Shroud Of The Avatar. It gives new players information about the game through the help window and the quest is very simple and easy to finish.
Edvard is the first NPC players will meet in Shroud Of The Avatar. Players will meet him twice at Solace Bridge. For some unknown reason, there are two Edvards in Solace Bridge. One is inside the fort and the other one is outside the fort. LOL!