Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Going To Solania, Soltown Exit, Overland Map & More
3:39:00 AM
Going To Solania
The reason why I was going to Solania was to deliver mail and to do other things. Unfortunately, I don't remember what those other things are. LOL. I should have posted about it after I recorded and uploaded the gameplay video about this topic.
Anyway, going to Solania means getting out of Soltown and travelling across the Overland Map.
Soltown Exit
I did not stay long in Soltown. After talking to a few non-player characters, I immediately followed the path towards the exit. I did not know where the exit was but getting out of Soltown was also not very difficult.
Overland Map
Exiting Soltown means entering the Overland Map. For some reason, I feel that the Overland Map is getting better and better at each release.
Some players don't like the Overland Map and prefers a point and click map travel system but not me. I kinda like the Overland Map. Getting lost while exploring the Overland Map is just one of the things that make Shroud Of The Avatar fun to play.