Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Another Beginning, Solace Bridge, Edvard & More
5:22:00 AM
Another Beginning
One of the drawbacks in playing a Pre-Alpha game like Shroud Of The Avatar is the unexpected wipe. Even if the developer announces it, it still doesn't change the fact that players will have to re-start or start from the beginning of the game again.
Starting all over again can be frustrating specially for those players who spent hours and days building up their characters and wealth in the game. Fortunately, I don't spend a lot of time playing Shroud Of The Avatar and that is why I'm not really affected by any kind of unexpected wipe or wipes.
Solace Bridge
Solace Bridge or Battle Of Solace Bridge to be exact is the starting scene of Shroud Of The Avatar and escaping the scene alive is a player's very first quest.
Of course, this first quest is also like an introductory quest to Shroud Of The Avatar. It gives new players information about the game through the help window and the quest is very simple and easy to finish.
Edvard is the first NPC players will meet in Shroud Of The Avatar. Players will meet him twice at Solace Bridge. For some unknown reason, there are two Edvards in Solace Bridge. One is inside the fort and the other one is outside the fort. LOL!