Shroud Of The Avatar Release 20 → Finding Solania, Random Encounter & Solania Found
4:06:00 AM
Finding Solania
I had some minor difficulties finding Solania on the Overland Map and it's mainly because I was not familiar with the layout of the land. I'm sure after spending a few more hours just exploring and wandering on the Overland Map will make it more familiar to me.
Random Encounter
I experienced a Random Encounter while searching for Solania on the Overland Map. The Random Encounter pulled me into a scene where a bunch of wolves were waiting for me.
I fought a couple of wolves, skinned and took their hides after killing them and went out of the scene. It was a very quick Random Encounter. In fact, waiting for the loading screen to finish loading took longer. LOL.
Solania Found
After getting lost on the Overland Map, I had to back track and went back to where I started. From there, I followed a different path and, this time, I was able to finally find Solania.