How I Became A Havoc Guild Member In Shroud Of The Avatar
1:06:00 PM

How I Became A Havoc Guild Member In Shroud Of The Avatar
Now, there are a lot of guilds in Shroud Of The Avatar but Havoc was the very first guild that invited me to join. If my memory is correct, it happened in Soltown while I was marching through town and playing a Christmas Song on my Harp.In town, I passed by a beautifully dressed female avatar and, a few seconds later, I received a message from this beautifully dressed female avatar. She asked me if I want to join a guild, the name of the guild is Havoc.
I asked the beautifully dressed female avatar if there are any requirements in joining the guild. She said there were none. After that, I said yes in joining the guild, the beautifully dressed female avatar sent me an invite and that is how I became a member of Havoc in Shroud Of The Avatar.
I'm not sure if I received any "welcome" messages when I joined because I immediately went AFK (had to go to the toilet) after accepting the invitation and only checked Guild Chat very much later in the day.
In any case, it doesn't really matter. I've been playing SOLO since persistence so being in a guild didn't really affect nor change how I play the game.
By the way, the name of the beautifully dressed female avatar who invited me to join Havoc is Nim and I would like to thank her for inviting me.
Thank you Nim!
Shroud of the Avatar Bans 30 Botters Or Bot Users From The Game
5:42:00 PM

Botting is a big NO NO in any multiplayer online game and Shroud of the Avatar just gave 30 Avatars the boot and kicked them out of the game for botting. Seriously, if you are playing Avatar and you think you can get out with using a Shroud of the Avatar bot then you are gravely mistaken. LOL!
Shroud of the Avatar Bans 30 Botters Or Bot Users From The Game
In this Shroud of the Avatar video, I briefly talked about the recent announcement made by Shroud of the Avatar regarding botting, botters, suspension and bans while mining for Iron Ores in Spectral Mines. (Remove lag in Shroud of the Avatar →► About Shroud of the Avatar
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a fantasy RPG that combines a single player narrative with a sandbox MMO created by a team that includes: Richard “Lord British” Garriott the creator of the Ultima series, Starr Long the Director of Ultima Online, and Tracy Hickman the author of Dragonlance.
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"BTS Prolog" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Breakdown" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Shroud Of The Avatar 😃 Let's Play A Bring Me Game 😎 Mister Affordable Needs A Garlic
8:52:00 PM

Hey Avatars! Mister Affordable in Bladewyke wants to cook some Garlic Soup but he is too busy tending the Store. Fortunately, he only needs one Garlic and if you bring it to him first then he will pay you 1000 Gold for it.
Unfortunately, he can only afford to pay 1000 Gold for the Garlic because he is currently broke but he will surely appreciate your help. (^_^)
Hope you guys can help Mister Affordable! Thanks!

Location of Bladewyke

Bladewyke is a POT governed by Govenor Ruin just south of Etceter in the Quel Region.
😎 😎 😎
Wow! That was quick! (^_^)
Mister Affordable is very happy to inform you guys that he finally got his Garlic. He had his Garlic Soup and he is now happily tending the store. He would like to extend his thanks to the Avatar who brought him the Garlic. (^_^)

Shroud Of The Avatar Treasure Hunt ❤️ Aldwater And Bladewyke
11:21:00 AM

Shroud Of The Avatar Treasure Chess Hunt
Hey guys! I just want to let you guys know that I started a Treasure Hunt on my Properties in Aldwater and Bladewyke.I started the Treasure Hunt last November 6, 2016 with a Treasure Reward of 100 Silver Ores.
I posted the information about the Treasure Hunt on my Forum Signature in Shroud of the Avatar and an Avatar came to check it out and claimed the Treasure Reward.

I believe a Treasure Hunt is a good way of getting Avatars to come and check out your place in Shroud of the Avatar.
In fact, it's such a good idea that one of the Treasure Hunters that went hunting on my property had fun doing it (even though he didn't get the Treasure Reward) that he implemented it on his Player Own Town.
He is now also doing a Treasure Hunt on his POT and he is giving away awesome Treasure Rewards like COTOs, etc. You can find information about his Treasure Hunt in the Shroud of the Avatar Forum.
As for my own Treasure Hunt, just keep checking my Forum Signature in the Shroud of the Avatar Forum for updates or visit this link.

Shroud Of The Avatar Gameplay ★ Bought 10 R34 POT Deed Raffle Tickets With 50000 SotA Game Gold
5:14:00 PM

In preparation for the R34 Lot Deed Raffle in Shroud of the Avatar, I bought a total of 10 additional R34 POT Lot Deed Raffle Tickets and it cost me 50,000 Gold or Shroud of the Avatar Gold.
The Lot Deed Raffle is Shroud of the Avatar's way of giving Avatars who don't have land a way of getting land in Shroud of the Avatar for FREE. If you are playing Shroud of the Avatar and you don't have land yet but would like to have one then simply buy a Raffle Ticket from the House Deed Vendor or House Decorations Merchant.
Bought 10 R34 POT Deed Raffle Tickets With 50000 SotA Game Gold
In this Shroud of the Avatar gameplay video, I bought 10 additional R34 POT Lot Deed Raffle Tickets from the Realtor or House Deed Vendor in Owl's Head. (Remove lag in Shroud of the Avatar →► About Shroud of the Avatar
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a fantasy RPG that combines a single player narrative with a sandbox MMO created by a team that includes: Richard “Lord British” Garriott the creator of the Ultima series, Starr Long the Director of Ultima Online, and Tracy Hickman the author of Dragonlance.
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► Music
"BTS Prolog" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Breakdown" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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► My 6 Year Old Gaming Rig
Processor: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 5700
Mouse: Razer Deathadder (
Speakers: Creative SBS A50 (
Keyboard: A4Tech KBS-720
Headset: E-Wave A30
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