Shroud Of The Avatar 😃 Let's Play A Bring Me Game 😎 Mister Affordable Needs A Garlic
8:52:00 PM

Hey Avatars! Mister Affordable in Bladewyke wants to cook some Garlic Soup but he is too busy tending the Store. Fortunately, he only needs one Garlic and if you bring it to him first then he will pay you 1000 Gold for it.
Unfortunately, he can only afford to pay 1000 Gold for the Garlic because he is currently broke but he will surely appreciate your help. (^_^)
Hope you guys can help Mister Affordable! Thanks!

Location of Bladewyke

Bladewyke is a POT governed by Govenor Ruin just south of Etceter in the Quel Region.
😎 😎 😎
Wow! That was quick! (^_^)
Mister Affordable is very happy to inform you guys that he finally got his Garlic. He had his Garlic Soup and he is now happily tending the store. He would like to extend his thanks to the Avatar who brought him the Garlic. (^_^)